Tuesday 19 April 2011


After the success of the countless cupcakes and the Christmas cake, I thought I would also turn my hand to making a simnel cake for the flat. Of course I knew that cooking a whole simnel cake would take hours and, unlike the welcome fug a Christmas cake makes in the winter, the weather's been too hot to have the oven going for hours. So I baked cupcake-sized simnel cakes (minus the traditional decoration, because I couldn't be bothered and the Swiss don't know any differently...) I'm pleased with the results.

In other news I didn't get my fees-thingy from Sheffield so will have to pay 4.2k for my masters next year. I made myself better by going for delicious vegetarian food at lunch time, buying wine for with dinner and listening to Adele on repeat...


  1. well as you are off to the centre of eurpoe at least thats what the politicans think we are sat in foggy pool gran is cooking cup cakes for us to devour at aunt caths a bbq for grandads birthday we ill sen you some pics take care P and jules

  2. Gran's cup cakes hit the spot - not bad for a first attempt. We have told her that it's ok to keep practicing and to send the outcome over to us for a second opinion. AC
