So when I registered I was given a rather handy book of vouchers, covering everything from a free ferry ride over the Rhein to two free glasses of bubbly at one of the theatres in town. Rather good value considering the 25 francs they charged me for the, admittedly handy, piece of paper I got. As M is visiting, we have been taking advantage of the free museum entry this book has given us, and have been to the Foundation Beyeler, Museum Tinguely and the Vitra Design Museum. They have all been interesting and are completely different to one another. After looking at the various models and designs of buildings around the world in the Vitra Museum, M and I did the only thing two people used to the high prices of the Confederation can do. We went shopping, and lugged sweets, detergent and booze back over the border. Cheers.
hi there from a chilly and windy blighty we are guessing you have been into germany for cheap shopping do we have to call you bond / 007 as M has been there have you been assigned a new mission ????? big P