So my parents (hello!) have been and gone, and I shall update about their visit in the morning. Today I shall share the joy of Hallowe'en with you all. Yesterday I journeyed up to Heidelberg, in Germany, to stay with two friends from Sheffield. Rather than engaging in sight-seeing, my fleeting visit featured such activities as panic-buying wigs in Claire's Accesories because we still needed costumes, buying a lot of Bullit energy drink to mix with our Bojerow andGorbatschow vodka, only eating two-and-a-half hotdogs (cold from the jar for dinner) because we were too scared to go into a kitchen full of people speaking French, being the only people aside from some Americans who were wearing costumes at a Hallowe'en party in a club, and dancing the night away despite this. Today was, of course, spent mainly trying to function as normal people. On the whole we failed.
hello, what an improvement......... you also can smile ah ah, glad that the trip went well and that you enjoyed your stay,