Now that the Spring semester is finally here I have been given time off work in a string of holidays that start in two weeks' time and last until Easter. Some of the other assistants may think this is unfair, but having only had four weeks off since I started in September (some of them had three weeks off within six weeks of starting...) I don't see the problem here.
Being on some kind of I should probably do something to counteract all of the flights I've taken to limit my carbon footprint and protect that environment thingmy bent, I have booked a lot of train tickets in the past week. I am excited.
After being in London for ten or so days at the start of the Fasnachtsferien I am coming back to Basel for Fasnacht itself before I journey down to Milan for three days with M, on a train journey that promises alpine views and tunnels under mountains.
On Good Friday, the start of my Easter holidays, I am taking three trains on a seven hour journey north-west to the capital of the EU, to stay with Dave in Brussels, before getting the eurostar to London for five days and flying back to Basel from there (perhaps I don't really care about the footprint after all).
Not as action-packed as the Eurotrips of yore, but very exciting nonetheless.
Just need to remember Dutch before I get there, somehow.
Try learning some French, that's what you'll need when you get there!