The weekend was spent in Sargans with Becky. Or rather, Saturday afternoon was. The weather was beautiful when I walked from the station to her house, and they had been lazing in the garden on an inflatable matress until the sun went behind the mountains (at 3.15, such is life in the Alps). We cooked and chatted and drank beer. It was nice.
Yesterday I wasn't prepared to pay the price of the fare home, so decided to go to Zürich and spend the afternoon there with Becky, and then take the train back home after 7, when it would be free. The weather was grim. Drizzle, fog, freezing cold. On the walk back to the station the rain turned to sleet to snow, and seems to have followed me to Basel today. We went to our favourite café and considered our options over coffee: museum or cinema. There is little else to do on a Sunday.
We decided on the cinema, and half an hour later were sat in the front row (the rest of the seats had been taken- seems everyone had the same idea as us) about to watch The King's Speech. I really enjoyed it. The film itself was beautifully shot and was wonderful to watch on an aesthetic level. But the actual film, the plot, was brilliant, too. Rush and Firth played brilliantly, as did the supporting cast- Timothy Spall as Churchill was a particular treat. But the way they were able to show how much having a stammer can affect a person, force them into a box of fear, and how Albert didn't want to become King was, well, fantastic.
I would see it again, and reccommend you see it yourself.