Today is the celebration of the Epiphany, which I know to be the day when the three Kings visited the stable in Bethlehem after following the star from the East. I know this because I'm a good little Catholic. Ahem.
Rather than completely ignoring the day like we do in England, the Swiss have a little way of marking it. According to today's copy of the Tages-Anzeiger, this tradition dates back many centuries, though it died out in the C19th and was resurrected in the early C20th. Basically, it involves the Dreikönigsbrot, which is a special tea bread with almonds on top, in which is hidden a small, plastic model of a King/Queen (see photo above). The person who finds the model gets to be the monarch for the day, and doesn't have to do the dishes, gets to decide what film to watch etc.
Unfortunately, my housemates had eaten half of the bread before I even thought of taking a photo of it. Also unfortunately, I didn't find the model, Sämi did... Though, the bread was tasty, and I probably would've choked on the 2cm tall piece of plastic whilst wolfing it down.
(Apologies for the drop in quality of the photos- I got a new camera for Christmas and, whilst it is amazing, I haven't learnt how to use it properly yet).
and i thought that being at our table where the fastest gets the most , shy kids get nowt , would have prepared you for any eating challenge big P